Uses & Doses

Individuals suffering from high levels of oxidative stress can benefit from the use of ALA. Oxidative stress has been correlated with a wide range of disease states, and even the aging process itself. An abundance of evidence exists that diabetic complications, renal failure, viral infections and other disorders are linked to excess levels of free radicals and the damage they cause to DNA, lipid membranes, and enzyme systems. There is strong clinical evidence that ALA is useful in diabetic neuropathy, a reasonable body of evidence that it is useful in pre-diabetic (Syndrome X) states, reasonable evidence that it protects the liver and is useful as a general liver detoxifier, and limited human data on its use to delay aging.

There is little doubt that ALA relieves oxidative stress, but less scientific evidence exists regarding beneficial effects in specific conditions. The Physicians Desk Reference for Nutritional Supplements states that “it may be protective against atherosclerosis, ischemia-reperfusion injury and various radiologic and chemical toxins. There is less evidence that it may be useful in some neurodegenerative disorders. There is preliminary evidence that it may have some immune-modulating effects, and it has been suggested that ALA may slow aging of the brain and that it may be an anti-aging substance, in general”.

There is no established dose of ALA for the many different areas of use. A 200 mg daily dose is typically used for general anti-oxidant protection. Doses up to 600 mg per day have been used for diabetic neuropathy and Hepatitis C. When more than 200 mg. is taken per day, the dosage should be divided over the day to maintain blood levels of ALA over a longer period of time. Because peak levels of ALA are reached at about 30 minutes after ingestion, and the material also has a half-life in the circulation of about 30 minutes, divided dosing is recommended. If taking 400 mg. per day, a typical dosing schedule would be 200 mg. in the morning and 200 mg. in the afternoon. If taking 600 mg. per day, a typical schedule might be 200 mg. in the morning, 200 mg. in the afternoon, and 200 mg. in the evening.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.